
Reiki For Dogs

28th April 2019

How can Reiki help our dogs?

Reiki, meaning ‘Universal Life Energy’ is a complementary, gentle, healing therapy that rebalances energy which flows through the body. Being a Holistic therapy it works on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Every living organism is surrounded by a life force or energy field and using Reiki helps to re-align the body’s natural energy, restoring balance and harmony and enabling the body to heal itself.

Dogs, like people, suffer from stress, fears, anxiety and depression and Reiki can help reduce tension and instil calm. It can be particularly useful whilst recovering from surgery or injury, helping to reduce pain and speeding up the body’s natural healing process. Whether it’s a behavioural disorder, injury or arthritis Reiki may offer healing help as animals are naturally receptive to Reiki energy and respond well to Reiki healing. Most animals are highly intuitive and can sense that something good and positive is happening to them, indeed when receiving Reiki they commonly enter a state of deep relaxation and peace, leading to an overall sense of wellness.


When starting my grooming business in 2016 I knew I wanted to follow a Holistic approach and was looking at ways to both improve my handling skills and deal with difficult or nervous dogs. Whilst I was aware of Reiki and the benefits of using it on humans I hadn’t appreciated how suitable it also was for animals but knew that I wanted to explore it further. I enrolled on a First Degree Reiki course and experienced the benefit it had on me personally and also on my own dogs who I was keen to practice it on. Having a dog prone to anxiety and also with some physical issues I was able to work with her and try various techniques to see if it had any positive impact. Reiki can’t harm and is reliant on the recipient accepting the positive energy being directed by the healer and I soon noticed I was able to help calm my girl down when she was stressed, when visiting the vet for instance, which would make her extremely anxious and unsettled. I have since completed Second Degree Reiki which enables me to provide Reiki therapy to both humans and animals either as a hands on treatment or by Distance Reiki sessions and I use it daily whilst handling the dogs in my care.


Chakras are key to Reiki as they are the energy centres in our body, doorways allowing in the energy from our surroundings. There are seven major Chakras in humans and eight in animals and each one possesses a unique function, although they all work together to keep the body’s energy aligned and flowing smoothly. The Reiki practitioner will focus on each of these Chakras depending on the outcome desired, for example the Sacral Chakra, between the tail and middle of back, can help with emotional issues. The Chakras are the same in humans and animals although animals have an eighth, the Brachial Chakra, located around the shoulders and which is the major energy centre linking directly to all the other Chakras. It is a great place to start with animals as it is the centre where animal-human bond is formed and carried and I will always start any Reiki healing with dogs at the Brachial Chakra before moving on. During Reiki sessions focus is given to the clearing and alignment of the body’s energy system through the seven main Chakras, which sometimes get blocked from physical or emotional experiences, causing an imbalance and disease within the body.


For something more subtle you can simply colour their nails, you and your dog can even have matching colours and patterns.

Reiki can support your dog through all stages of their life, aiding relaxation and relieving stress bringing peace and harmony. Whilst it is commonly used to help sick or injured animals it is also excellent in maintaining the general well-being of your pet and as a preventative to any potential illness.

  • Pain Relief. Complimenting prescribed medication it provides comfort and helps reduce pain, speeding up the body’s natural healing process.
  • Stress Relief. Helps instil calm, reducing tension and anxiety and feelings of stress. Can help with separation anxiety, vet visits etc.
  • Emotional issues. Enhances overall well-being, sadness and depression. Can help increase trust and bonding between you and your pet.
  • Fears. Helps with distressing situations such as noise, fireworks etc.

Reiki isn’t just a useful therapy for humans and animals though, it can also be used to help improve the energy flow of everything around us. Reiki can be infused into food and drinks benefiting the person that ingests them and can benefit plants, vegetables and flowers. It can even be used to help improve negative energy in the home or gain a positive outcome for a given situation such as a house sale or job search.


“It is excellent in maintaining the health and well-being of your pet and as a preventative to any potential illness.”


For further advice and information or to make an appointment please email or call 07590 053758.